Today I did not change the world.  Nor did I rescue anyone.  I did not create any new strategies that will revolutionize how a church or business operates.  A new invention was not created by my hands.  Yet, I felt it was an incredible day of leadership.

The day began by having a healthy breakfast with my daughter before she headed off to school.  I was able to have three extended conversations in which I added value to church leaders.  My lunch hour consisted of saving money by eating at home and then running an errand.

I had a great conversation with my new COO.  On Wednesday evenings, my daughter attends a community-wide youth event at a local church.  Therefore, I had a great mini-date with my wife.  I served her by filling her car up with gas so she would not have to.  Then I came home and killed weeds for 20 minutes.

We then returned to church where we sat in the car and just talked for another 15 minutes waiting on my daughter to get out of the service.

Activities like killing weeds and getting gas may seem uneventful but it was a great day of leadership.

Nothing spectacular happened.  Wait, I take that back.  Some very spectacular things happened in the area of leadership.

  • As a father, I gave dedicated time to my daughter and invested in her life.
  • I served my employer faithfully.
  • I did my assignments with excellence.
  • I produced.
  • I lifted the lids of church leaders.
  • I showed my wife she was a priority.
  • I demonstrated responsibility.
  • I was a good steward of my family’s resources.
  • I protected my family.
  • I was a good neighbor.
  • And something I do not do nearly enough, I took time to replenish myself.

It was a spectacular day of leadership.

Many leaders feel that something “major” needs to happen for the day to matter.  I beg to differ.  There is genius, excellence, and significance in simplicity and everyday activity done well.

Leaders, I hope this posts encourages you.  If you do not feel your life is making a difference, I completely disagree.  Keep doing the everyday activites with excellence.  It is not mundane or wasting time.  Your daily faithfulness will compound over time and result in a life of significant influence.

As the day winds down I am left with the following realties – I am loved by God.  I am loved by my wife and daughter.  I get to serve church leaders.  I experienced wonderful and replenishing relationships.  It has been a spectacular day to be a leader.

What happened today in your life that was spectacular?

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